mercredi 16 juin 2021

What kind of UML relationship is accepting an enum in the constructor but not as an attribute of the object?

I'm designing a package where one particular class will accept several enums as arguments to the constructor. Those enums will not become attributes, but they will be used to instantiate objects that are. I don't have code yet, but here is a bit of psuedocode to illustrate my design idea:

Enum Type {

    TYPE_A(A::new), TYPE_B(B::new);

    private Supplier supplier;

    private Type(Supplier<X> supplier) {
        this.supplier = supplier;

    public X createInstance() {
        return supplier.get();


Class SomeClass {

    Object someObject;

    public SomeClass(Type t) {
        someObject = t.createInstance();

The above idea was inspired by the answer to this question.

How would I classify this relationship between Type and SomeClass above?

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