samedi 27 juin 2020

Pattern for a class with a long running method and a method for stopping it

What would be the best pattern to implement for a class with a long-running method and a method that releases resources. Currently, it looks like this:

static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
    MyProcessor processor = new MyProcessor();
    processor.SomeConfigOptions = ...;
    processor.SomeEvent += ...;

    // ProcessAsync() method contains an infinite loop that runs until we signal to stop.
    // ProcessAsync() method allocates unmanaged resourses.
    using (Task engineTask = Task.Run(() => processor.ProcessAsync()))
        // Keep application running some event.

        // Signal to stop processing, release unmanaged resources, and exit ProcessAsync() method.

        // Wait for the processing to finish and all unmanaged resources are released.

    return 1;

Does it make sense to derive MyProcessor from IDisposable? Or to return a class derived from Task from ProcessAsync() method? In both cases, the Stop() method will be called inside IDisposable.Dispose() override. Any better approach for this pattern?

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