vendredi 19 juin 2020

c# generics cannot Convert From T to

If I have an interface

   public interface IAnimal
      T Lick<T>(T entity) where T : class;

And I have:

public class Dog:IAnimal
     public void Lick<T>(T entity) where T : class
        var result=someOtherFunction.GetObject<IObject>(entity); /// error 

But I also have:

  public class IObject
         public Ball ball{ get; set; }

I get error cannot convet from T to IObject. but isnt T any class of which IObject belongs?

I dont want to change IAnimal to IAnimal because this will destroy the point of IAnimal dog = new Dog();

I Also dont want "Ball" models to derive IObject as IObject is specific to Dog class

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