jeudi 28 mai 2020

Which design pattern to use when we have classes that does similar high level functionality but the returns different types in methods?

I have an existing C# console application that takes arguments and based on the arguments creates an instance of markets (UK, US, MX..) using dependency injection.

Each market class does a 'string GetData()', 'string ProcessData()' and 'bool ExportData()'.

The application was initially created for one eCommerce vendor's markets. Now I am told to modify it for a different vendor that does a different process. The high-level flow remains the same.

  1. 'GetData' to fetch records from DB,
  2. 'ProcessData' for any transformation or the likes
  3. 'ExportData'.

The difference is Getdata() pulls records from DB and maps to an object. I am planning to use Petapoco. 'ProcessData' might return a similar class. 'Exportdata' currently does an API call but for the new vendor, I have to write to a file.

I was reading up on patterns I am totally confused. At first, I thought I needed abstract factory pattern and now I think the factory method is what I should be using but I am not sure if I am doing it right. Need some guidance/review here. A sample cs file I created from my understanding of factory pattern. This code is based on the headfirst code samples.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using StatusExport.Models;

namespace factorymethod
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClientFactory factory = null;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter client code:");
            string clientCode= Console.ReadLine();
            switch (clientCode.ToLower())
                case "costco":
                    factory = new CostcoFactory("accountname", "taskname");
                    //NEw vendor might be added
                    //case "walmart"
                    //factory = new WalmartFactory("taskname", "type");

            bool status = factory.ProcessData();

    abstract class Client
        public abstract string AccountName { get; }
        public abstract string Task { get; set; }
        //More properties might be added. Some may not even be used by some of the new vendors. For example, Costco Might need accountname and task. Tomorrow if walmart comes, they might not need these two or may need task and a new property 'type'
        public abstract List<T> GetData<T>();
        public abstract List<T> ProcessData<T>();
        public abstract bool ExportData();

    class CostcoClient : Client
        public override string AccountName { get; }
        public override string Task { get; set; }

        public CostcoClient(string accountName, string task)
            AccountName = accountName;
            Task = task;

        public override List<DBRecord> GetData<DBRecord>() //DBRecord class is specific to Costco. 
            List<DBRecord> dbresult = new List<DBRecord>();
            //dbresult = db return data mapped to an object DBRecord using petapoco. Another vendor might have a different class to which DB records are mapped. So the return type can be generic
            return asn;

        public override List<T> ProcessData<T>()
            throw new NotImplementedException(); //Any data transformation or business logic. Return type might be DBRecord or a new class altogether

        public override bool ExportData()
            throw new NotImplementedException();//Call API or write data to file and if success send true else false

    abstract class ClientFactory
        public abstract bool ProcessData();

    class CostcoFactory : ClientFactory
        public string AccountName { get; }
        public string Task { get; set; }
        public CostcoFactory(string accountname, string task)
            AccountName = accountname;
            Task = task;

        public override bool ProcessData()
            CostcoClient gc = new CostcoClient(AccountName, Task);
            var result = gc.GetData<DBRecord>();
            return true;

Do you think this is the right design approach?

I also want to keep the console project independent of vendor project. So maybe 'StatusExport.Program' for the console application. DLL projects StatusExport.Common to hold the interface and abstract classes' and 'StatusExport.Client(ex:StatusExport.Costco)' for each vendor stuff.

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