mercredi 27 mai 2020

Avoiding circular dependencies the right way - NestJS

Say I have a StudentService with a method that adds lessons to a student and a LessonService with a method that adds students to a lesson. In both my Lesson and Student Resolvers I want to be able to update this lesson <---> student relationship. So in my LessonResolver I have something along the lines of:

  async assignStudentsToLesson(
    assignStudentsToLesson: AssignStudentsToLessonInput,
  ) {
    const { lessonId, studentIds } = assignStudentsToLesson;
    await this.studentService.assignLessonToStudents(lessonId, studentIds); **** A.1 ****
    return this.lessonService.assignStudentsToLesson(lessonId, studentIds); **** A.2 ****

and essentially the reverse in my StudentResolver

The difference between A.1 and A.2 above is that the StudentService has access to the StudentRepository and the LessonService has access to the LessonRepository - which I believe adheres to a solid separation of concerns.

However, it seems to be an anti-pattern that the StudentModule must import the LessonModule and the LessonModule must import the StudentModule. This is fixable using the forwardRef method, but in the NestJS Documentation it mentions this pattern should be avoided if possible:

While circular dependencies should be avoided where possible, you can't always do so. (is this one of those cases?)

This seems like it should be a common issue when using DI, but I'm struggling to get a definitive answer as to what options are available that can eliminate this situation, or if I've stumbled upon a situation where it's unavoidable.

The ultimate goal is for me to be able to write the two GraphQL queries below:

query {
  students {
    lessons {

query {
  lessons {
    students {

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