jeudi 28 mai 2020

What is the correct hierarchy for state in Redux-saga?

I don't know which this question is insignificant but it is quite confusing for me right now.

I have a state, which will be used as params to make API call. So I assume this state, aka API Object, should be one-one mapping to backend API. However, if I change one value of of API Object, say state.api.A, it will affect available values for another field, say availableB. These available values can be computed purely or fetched remotely.

So here I will have two choices: 1) to separate availableB from API Object, or 2) to store every availableB inside API Object.

Method 1) cons: change to any field of API Object should be an effect otherwise I have to dispatch two reducers for one change.

Method 2) cons: I have to remember removing Assistant Object before I make API calls.

enter image description here

Which one is the correct practice or this question is totally something about over designed?

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