samedi 16 mai 2020

How can I better handle exporting methods from services?

I am trying to figure out a better way to organize my codebase (my Services). Right now I have a folder for my Services and a class (like AuthService.ts) and inside I have my methods (example: registerUser, loginUser).

I was plannning to do something like this:

// AuthService/registerUser.ts
class RegisterUser {
  public async handler (userData: UserData) {
    // code to register user
    return user
export default new RegisterUser().handler

// ./AuthService/loginUser.ts
class LoginUser {
  public async handler (userData: UserCredentials) {
    // code to login user 
    return {user, token}
export default new LoginUser().handler

// ./AuthService/index.ts
import loginUser from './loginUser'
import registerUser from './registerUser'
export default {loginUser, registerUser}

// Controller
import AuthService from 'App/Services/AuthService'
export default class SessionsController {
public async register ({ request }: HttpContextContract) {
    const { name, email, password } =
    const user = await AuthService.registerUser({ name, email, password })
    if (!user) {
    return { user }

I separated all my methods in new classes. I made an index.ts file to make easier to export all those methods (don't break my old implementation), but I could just import the specific method I need instead of all the services.

This is write on AdonisJS v5, but the real doubt is about structure, import/export, and architecture.

Is there anything wrong with this approach? What should be the right way to better organize a Service with a lot of methods? (This is an example, actually there are 4 more methods.. and a few to come...)

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