lundi 16 mars 2020

Doubts about SOLID History

May be this topic is for older people that remember how software development was in the 80's, 90's age. I have been reading about the history of Design patterns and SOLID. I have next questions:

Bertrand Meyer in 1988 released his book Object Oriented Software Construction. So he was the first one to talk about SOLID or only object oriented programming?

1995 Michael Feathers, introduced us to the SOLID acronym He based on the Bertrand Meyer's book to introduce the SOLID acronym?

Robert C. Martin 2002. Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices. He redefined the SOLID like open-close principle to talk about polymorphism?

Christopher Alexander was the first person to introduce the term patterns and the GoF adapted his patterns to sofware desing, so SOLID creators also based on Alexander's patterns?

Design patterns are based on SOLID or Alexander's patterns book?

After so many time I'am asking this doubts but i am starting with these software design history and is difficult to understand when i did not live during those days but i think is good to know how the things were created.

Thanks in advance

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