I have a question about using Observables in Angular 8/9. My template uses the async pipe on an observable object, which is great for displaying data. But what if I want to update it? I'm looking for a good-practice pattern here.
One of my work applications has a service that communicates with an HTTP server to get an Observable. It turns that observable into a BehaviorSubject, and publishes its own observable of the BehaviorSubject. The component injects the service, gets a local copy of the observable, and the template reads its value with the async pipe. The template has an event handler that allows an edit; the component's function calls a "mutate" method on the service, which updates the subject's value, and calls .next() on it.
This seems like a lot of extra work, and I was wondering if there was perhaps a better pattern to follow. When I asked about this pattern at work, I was told that angular handles updating from observables better than plain old objects.
Shortened code examples:
public class Person {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
public class PersonService {
private personSubj: BehaviorSubject<Person>(null);
public person$: Observable<Person> = this.personSubj.asObservable();
public mutateFirstName(newName: string): void {
this.personSubj.value.firstName = newName;
private getFromHttp(): void {
this.http.getPerson().subscribe(p => this.personSubj.next(p));
public class PersonComponent {
// personService is injected in constructor
this.person$ = this.personService.person$;
<div *ngIf="(person$ | async) as person">
<input value="person.firstName" (click)="mutateFirstName('Sam')" />
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