mercredi 25 mars 2020

Memento pattern and violation of encapsulation

Across the internet I come across with examples of implementation of memento pattern which I consider are fully incorrect. They can be written in both Java and C#.

Here a several of them

  1. Incorrect implementation of Memento pattern 1
  2. Incorrect implementation of Memento pattern 2
  3. Incorrect implementation of Memento pattern 3

The code:

public class Originator
    private string _state; //the private field of originator that shouldn't be exposed!!!!

    public Memento CreateMemento()
        return new Memento(_state);

    public void SetMemento(Memento memento)
        _state = memento.GetState();

public class Memento
    private string _state;

    public Memento(string state)
        _state = state;

    public string GetState()
        return _state;  // here caretaker can access to private field of originator!!!

public class Caretaker
    public Memento Memento { get; set; }

In code I left comments that should describe situation.

The caretaker class can read private field of originator through memento that violates one of the main principles of memento pattern:

The object's encapsulation must not be violated.

So the question is am I right?

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