jeudi 29 août 2019

Is it an anti-pattern and violate solid principles in this scenario?

I'm new to design patterns, below is my code that let a consumer add journal and save the journal to disk, or upload it to cloud, could you have a check to see if the design is anti-pattern and is there any violations of solid principles

public class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    Consumer client = new Consumer(new DiskManager("C:\\journal.txt"));
    // consumer add text to Journal

public class Journal
  private readonly List<string> entries = new List<string>();

  public void AddEntry(string text)

  public void RemoveEntry(int index)

public interface IPersistenceManager
  void Save(Journal journal);

public class DiskManager : IPersistenceManager
  private string filePath;

  public DiskManager(string filePath)
    this.filePath = filePath;

  public void Save(Journal journal)

public class CloudManager : IPersistenceManager
  private string url;

  public CloudManager(string url)
    this.url = url;

  public void Save(Journal journal)

public class Consumer
  private Journal _journal = new Journal();
  private IPersistenceManager _manager;

  public void AddJournal(string note)

  public Consumer(IPersistenceManager manager)
    _manager = manager;
  public void SaveJournal()

and I have a question well:

Q1-How can I modify the code so the client can also have an option to save the journal to both disk and cloud?

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