jeudi 29 août 2019

Access factory which return baseClass* , from the baseClass Function itself

I have a scenario where I need to call a factory which returns baseClass * from a function of baseClass itself

I have a function() which is common for all the child class. So I decided to define that function in base class, and the derived class then can inherit from it. Now in that function we need to call a factory which returns the BaseClass*.

class BaseClass{
virtual bool someFunc(){
  baseClass *var = Factory::GetObject(1);
  // do some processing on var

class ChildClass1: public BaseClass{
 ... some other functions

class Factory{  //factory
    static BaseClass * GetObject(int iter){
      return ChildClass1;
     else if(iter==2){
      return ChildClass1;

Understanding what would be the best design. Thanks in advance :)

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