jeudi 29 août 2019

Inheritance: Unable to access method from base class

I am implementing CQRS pattern. To use CQRS pattern in my project I wrote three commands, they are

public class DogCommand : PetCommand
    public DogCommand(){}
    public override string Name{get; set;}

public class CatCommand : PetCommand
    public CatCommand(){}
    public override string Name{get; set;}

public abstract class PetCommand : ICommand
    public PetCommand(){}
    public virtual string Name{get; set;}

public interface ICommand
   //Bussiness logic

Here I have interface called ICommand. PetCommand is base class which is implementing this interface. Derived class DogCommand and CatCommand are inheriting PetCommand.

I also wrote base command handler, as below

public abstract class BaseCommandHandler<T> : CommandHandler<T> where T : ICommand
    protected BaseCommandHandler(string type, string name): base(type, name)

public abstract class CommandHandler<T> : ICommandHandler<T> where T : ICommand
   protected CommandHandler(string type, string name)
    //Business logic

   protected void LogWrite(string msg)
      //Writing log 

public interface ICommandHandler<in T> where T : ICommand
    void Run(T command));

All functions present in BaseCommandHandler, I will use in each derived command handler

Now problem is in derived class command handler

public class PetCommandHandler : BaseCommandHandler<DogCommand>, ICommandHandler<CatCommand> 

    public void Run(DogCommand dCommand)

    public void Run(CatCommand cCommand)
       **//Want to access this.LogWrite() with cCommand. How can I do that?**          

Here I am unable to access this.LogWrite() function for cCommand, because PetCommandHandler is inheriting first BaseCommandHandler and then implementing ICommandHandle.

How to access this.LogWrite() function for cCommand?

Here is compile time error:

cannot convert from ‘Command.DogCommand’ to ‘Command.CatCommand’

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