vendredi 14 juin 2019

How to Initialize Different Kotlin Data Classes That Follow the Same Procedure?

I have a bunch of models in my app, which are data classes. Through my app (which is a media player) I follow pretty much the same routine for getting instances of these classes.I want to query the database(which here is the MediaStore) using a projection for Songs/Albums/Artists, and I want to create instances and append those in a list, which will serve as my library.

What I have done so far in order to create a list of Songs is as followed:

val SONG_SEARCH_PROJ = hashMapOf<String, String>(
"id" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns._ID,
"title" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.TITLE,
"album" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.ALBUM,
"album id" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.ALBUM_ID,
"artist" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.ARTIST,
"artist id" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.ARTIST_ID,
"data" to MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.DATA)

var songLibrary: () -> ArrayList<SongModel> = {
    var songsList = ArrayList<SongModel>()
    val cursor = context.contentResolver.query(
        SONG_SEARCH_PROJ.values.toTypedArray(), selection, null, sortOrder
    cursor?.let { current_cursor ->
        while (!current_cursor.isAfterLast) {
            SONG_SEARCH_PROJ.apply {
                        current_cursor.getData("id", this).toInt(),
                        current_cursor.getData("title", this),
                        current_cursor.getData("data", this),
                        current_cursor.getData("artist", this),
                        current_cursor.getData("album", this),

Also for better readability, I have created an extension function for the Cursor class, which gets a hashmap, and a string which will serve as the key.

fun Cursor.getData(key: String, hashmap: HashMap<String, String>): String{
    return this.getString(this.getColumnIndex(hashmap[key]))

My data classes are also as followed:

data class SongModel(
    @PrimaryKey val id: Int,
    val name: String,
    val Location: String,
    val ArtistName: String,
    val AlbumName: String,
    val ArtWorkLocation:String?)


data class AlbumModel(@PrimaryKey val name: String, val artistName: String, val songList: ArrayList<SongModel>)


data class ArtistModel(@PrimaryKey val Name: String, var albumList: ArrayList<AlbumModel>)


My problem is at the moment, I can't generify the "createLibraryOf_X_Model" function, since Kotlin does not accept creating instance of generic types. I have also stumbled upon factory pattern, but I had a hard time adjusting it to my current problem.

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