mercredi 26 juin 2019

How can I get by GROK differents kind of messages in this litte log file?

I am working with Logstash and I need to format my log file splitting each field.

The log has next format:

info: ::ffff: - ::ffff: [26/Jun/2019:11:52:36 +0000] "OPTIONS /api/categories/5ced18e2a0c9a01e879ce704 HTTP/1.1" 200 19 - 0.652

info: ::ffff: - - [26/Jun/2019:11:52:36 +0000] "GET /api/categories/5ced18e2a0c9a01e879ce704 HTTP/1.1" 304 - - 12.156

info: ::ffff: ::ffff: - [26/Jun/2019:11:52:36 +0000] "OPTIONS /api/twitter/5ced18e2a0c9a01e879ce704/1561463556535-1561549956535?from=0&size=10&orderType=desc&order=date&aggregations=true&timeSeriesInterval=1h HTTP/1.1" 200 8 - 0.874

error: ::ffff: ::ffff: ::ffff: [26/Jun/2019:11:52:36 +0000] "GET /api/twitter/5ced18e2a0c9a01e879ce704/1561463556535-1561549956535?from=0&size=10&orderType=desc&order=date&aggregations=true&timeSeriesInterval=1h HTTP/1.1" 400 43 - 9.044

This is the filter that I have been aplied for it in Logstash:

filter {
    grok {
      match => { "message" => "%{WORD:type}: %{IP:ipclient} - %{IP:ipuser} [%{HTTPDATE:datetime}] \"%{WORD:method} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} %{WORD:httpversion}\" %{WORD:status} %{NUMBER:bytes} - %{NUMBER:responsetime}" }
      add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
      add_field => [ "received_from", "%{host}" ]
      add_field => [ "funcionaaaaaa", "ohoohoooh_yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees" ]
    date {
      match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MM/yyyy - HH:mm:ss" ]

But this filter does not recognoise my log structure.

Any idea which pattern should solve the problem?.

Thank you.

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