samedi 29 juin 2019

manage create method of django when there are lots of fields

I am working on project where I have taken django in backend. I have a model call profile which is related to the user. A profile model has more than 10 fields and when trying to update the user profile, my code for updating all those fields would be something like this

class UpdateProfile(graphene.Mutation):
    class Arguments:
        input = types.ProfileInput(required=True)

    success = graphene.Boolean()
    errors = graphene.List(graphene.String)
    profile = graphene.Field(schema.ProfileNode)

    def mutate(self, info, **args):
        is_authenticated = info.context.user.is_authenticated
        data = args.get('input')
        if not is_authenticated:
            errors = ['unauthenticated']
            return UpdateProfile(success=False, errors=errors)
            profile = Profile.objects.get(user=info.context.user)
            profile = models.Profile.objects.get(profile=profile)
   = data.get('career', None)
            profile.payment_type = data.get('payment_type', None)
            profile.expected_salary = data.get('expected_salary', None)
            profile.full_name = data.get('full_name', None)
            profile.age = data.get('age', None)
   = data.get('city', None)
            profile.address = data.get('address', None)
            profile.name_of_company = data.get('name_of_company', None)
            profile.job_title = data.get('job_title', None)
            profile.zip_code = data.get('zip_code', None)
            profile.slogan = data.get('slogan', None)
   = data.get('bio', None)
   = data.get('website', None)
            profile.github = data.get('github', None)
            profile.linkedin = data.get('linkedin', None)
            profile.twitter = data.get('twitter', None)
            profile.facebook = data.get('facebook', None)
            profile.image=info.context.FILES.get(data.get('image', None))
            return UpdateProfile(profile=profile, success=True, errors=None)

so my question is, suppose, if there are even more than 20, 30 fields, how would you design your code on updating those fields? (considering only views part)

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