mercredi 26 juin 2019

Use a implementation of provider inside other implementation of same provider in Angular

I want to inject a provider implementation inside another other implementation of the same provider in Angular, but I could not achieve this. The idea is that I can specialize the second implementation with the data from first implementation As I read in angular documentation, is not possible use a second implementation of the same provider, but I want to know If someone has achive this in some way


export abstract class Provider {
    abstract someMethod();

export class implProviderOne implements Provider{

export class implProviderTwo implements Provider{
    constructor(private provider: Provider) {} // I DI injects implProviderOne in this implementation

//This is what I try

//Main Module
    imports: [InnerModule],
        { provide: Provider, useClass:implProviderOne}
export class MainModule {}

//Inner Module
    {provide: Provider, useClass:implProviderTwo } // What I can do to achieve this?
export class InnerModule {}

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