I have java class Person
public class Person {
private String name;
private int age;
private String marriedStatus;
private Date dob;
//getters and setters
When I get new values for some fields of this object I can update it. But new fields values income in this format: Map<String, String> newValues
where key - field number and value - the value of the field. I create this service:
public class UpdateService {
public Person updateFields(Person targetPerson, Map<String, String> newValues){
return null;
I create a unit test and ask you to help implement this.
public class UpdateServiceTest {
/*associations between field number and field name
12 - name (length min: 2, max: 20. First letter must uppercase )
18 - marriedStatus (only married, divorced, single)
21 - age (only between 18 and 120)
14 - dob (some format)
private Date dob;
public void setUp() {
dob = new GregorianCalendar(2000, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 20).getTime();
public void returnPersonWithUpdatedFields() {
UpdateService updateService = new UpdateService();
Person targetPerson = new Person();
Map<String, String> newValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
newValues.put("12", "Bill");
newValues.put("18", "married ");
newValues.put("21", "25");
Person person = updateService.updateFields(targetPerson, newValues);
assertEquals("Bill", person.getName());
assertEquals("married", person.getMarriedStatus());
assertEquals(25, person.getAge());
assertEquals(dob, person.getDob());
I need to get the person and update only fields which income in Map<String, String> newValues
. And validate it.
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