mardi 19 février 2019

Inheritance in generic composite pattern

For what I want to achieve I ended up with some kind of generic composite pattern.

public abstract class Component

public abstract class Composite<ChildType> : Component where ChildType : Component
    public readonly Dictionary<int, ChildType> children;

    public Composite()
        children = new Dictionary<int, ChildType>();

    public void AddChild(ChildType child, int childPosition)
        if (children.ContainsKey(childPosition))

        children.Add(childPosition, child);

With the pattern above, I have the following deriving classes.

public class A : Composite<B>

public class B : Composite<C>

public class C : Component

Now, this ended up working very well for my purposes. Things developed and I felt the need of extracting some functionality from B into a base class and creating two subclasses from B. Let's call the base class BaseB and its subclasses B1 and B2.

I want B1 to act as if inheriting from Composite and B2 from Composite (just like the old B class). As for A, it should be able to have children of any subclass of BaseB. But naturally it wants me to provide a type argument for BaseB, so I ended up providing the type Component. Is there a way to avoid providing a type for BaseB?

//public class A : Composite<BaseB<Component>> This works
public class A : Composite<BaseB> // this doesn't work

public class BaseB<GetItFromTheSubClass> : Composite<GetItFromTheSubClass> where GetItFromTheSubClass : Component

public class B1 : BaseB<B2>

public class B2 : BaseB<C>

public class C : Component

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