jeudi 21 février 2019

Loose coupling for logging classes

I'm trying to make a class (actually 2) that will encapsulate some specific logging/telemetry technology. They are used in a decorator to log requests, like so:

var manager = new SpecificTelemetryManager();
public void PostRequest(string body) 
    var telem = manager.Start();

I have this:


public interface ITelemetryManager
    ITelemetryOperation Start(string operationName);

    void Stop(ITelemetryOperation op);



public interface ITelemetryOperation<T> : IDisposable

    T Operation { get; set; }

    void AddCustomProperties(IDictionary<string, string> customProperties);


SpecificTelemetryManager.cs (does not compile)

public class SpecificTelemetryHandler : ITelemetryManager

    private Client _client { get; set; }

    public SpecificTelemetryHandler()
        _client = new Client();

    public ITelemetryOperation Start(string name)
        return new SpecificTelemetryOperation(_client.Start(name));

    public void Stop(ITelemetryOperation op)
        _client.StopOperation(op.Operation); // !!! THIS DOESNT KNOW THE TYPE



public class SpecificTelemetryOperation : ITelemetryOperation<SomeMicrosoftClass>
    public SomeMicrosoftClass Operation { get; set; }

    public ApplicationInsightsTelemetryOperation(SomeMicrosoftClass op)
        Operation = op;

    public void AddCustomProperties(IDictionary<string, string> customProperties)

    public void Dispose()


Can anyone please provide some ideas on how to keep ITelemetryManager typeless (non generic) (so it won't be ITelemetryManager<Iwhatever>) and make sure that outside classes (the decorator) don't know what type of telemetry operations they are working on (Microsoft, AWS, Google, etc...). I want SpecificTelemetryManager and SpecificTelemetryOperation to have all the concrete classes that they would be referencing.

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