mercredi 27 février 2019

DI & MVC: What's the point of dependency injection in controllers?

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Sometimes I see a piece of code where a dependency is injected into the constructor of a controller, but what advantage does it offer?

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Let's assume that you're seeing code like the following one.

public class SampleController : Controller 
    private IDependency dependency;

    public SampleController(IDependency dependency) 
        this.dependency = dependency;

Or, if you prefer PHP, let's have a look at the following one

//PHP with Laravel
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class SampleController extends Controller
    private $dependency;

    public function __construct(Dependency $dependency)
        $this->dependency = $dependency;

As far as I know, Dependency Injection is meant to decouple a client from its dependency, so that...

  1. the client can use different dependencies at run time (with a setter method)
  2. updating the dependency class is less likely to force you to update the client too


However, controllers are not instantiated,

$service = new Service();
$controller = new Controller($service);
//you don't do such a thing, do you?

....nor do controllers use setter functions (usually).

Nonetheless, I still see this approach on the internet, including ASP.NET's doc.

Is it really beneficial to inject a dependency into a controller rather than instantiating a class within the constructor with the new keyword? (If so, how does this approach improve your code?)

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