vendredi 22 février 2019

Design Pattern for RateLimited API calls

I have a service class, which needs to call different apis from other service. But each API have some limits, So I am using Guava's Ratelimiter to enforce the limit of the operation


public class A {

    private final RateLimiter apiCallX;
    private final int timeoutInSecondsForAPIX;

    private final RateLimiter apiCallY;
    private final int timeoutInSecondsForAPIY;

    public A ( @Named("apiCallXRateLimiter") apiCallX,
    @Named("apiCallXRateLimiter") apiCallY,
    @Named("apiCallXRateLimiter") apiCallZ,
      this.apiCallX = apiCallX;

    public ResponseX callAPIX (){

    public ResponseY callAPIY (){

    private modelTransformer(){ //each for request and response and for each call.


I am thinking to use inheritance to avoid clustering all the operation calls from this class. What are the other design patterns I could use in this scenario?

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