mercredi 1 août 2018

How would you prefer to use libraries that might change?

How would you prefer to use libraries that might change?

Ex) Android network libraries had to change to httpurlconnection or retrofit because the higher version did not support http-client.

Ex) In json, many libraries exist such as jackson and gson which may change depending on the situation

  1. Create an interface (such as an adapter) to interact with an existing system. (Externel lib - my interface - my system)

  2. Apply external libraries to existing systems as they are. (Externel lib - my system)

In my opinion: 1. the dependence on existing systems and external libraries can be reduced, but unnecessary code may be generated because external libraries need to be implemented to match adapters.

  1. the function of an external library can be adequately used, but replacing it with another library can result in a significant change in the code.

I can't choose between number 1 and number 2.

I would like to hear your opinion and would appreciate it if there were any other opinions.

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