jeudi 23 août 2018

Stateful Strategy with Layout Mangager

I try to understand the difference between stateless and stateful.

As an example i take the Java LayoutManager. Normally i cannot use an instance for example of the BorderLayout for more than one container. I think in a stateful strategy, the Context pass itself as an argument to Strategy operation. So that the strategy can reach all data which is needed for the strategy algorithm.

I have a Code Snippet of a stateful strategy. I think here the context is "creation of the panel" for which we have different strategies.

public class LayoutComparer extends JFrame {
   private LayoutManager layout;
   private String title;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       JFrame f = new LayoutComparer();

   static int counter = 0;

   JPanel createPanel(LayoutManager layout, String title) {
      this.layout = layout;
      this.title = title;
      JPanel p = new JPanel();
      p.add(new JButton("Click " + counter++), "West");
      p.add(new JButton("Click " + counter++), "Center");
      p.add(new JButton("Click " + counter++), "East");
      return p;

  LayoutComparer() {
      setTitle("Layout Manager Test");
      setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
      LayoutManager m;
    m = new java.awt.FlowLayout();
 // m = new java.awt.BorderLayout();

    add(createPanel(m, "Left"));
//  pack();
    add(createPanel(m, "Right"));

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