dimanche 30 octobre 2016

how can Avoid to repeat same method

I work on a project with ASP.NET MVC and , my project architechture is N Layer . I have a method that name's is IsExists in all of Services. belowe I put two of them :

 bool IsExists(string title,Guid? parentId, Guid? id=null); // in service 1
 bool IsExists(string title, Guid? id = null);// in service n

is there a pattern to avoid repeat them ? I repeated same method by same doing work in all of services

Sample of implement :

  public bool IsExists(string title, Guid? parentId, Guid? id = default(Guid?))
        Expression<Func<AssetGroup, bool>> ex = row => row.Title == title && row.ParentId == parentId;
        if (id.HasValue)
            ex = row => row.Id != id.Value;
        return _groups.Any(ex);


*-I call IsExists Method in Create and Edit Methods before saveChanges

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