samedi 29 octobre 2016

delegate or proxy or others

I want to handle different result by its type. And here is my codes public interface Handler { void handle(Result result) }

public class HandlerA implement Handler {
   public handle(Result result) {
      //do something
public class HandlerB implement Handler {
   public handle(Result result) {
      //do something
public class HandlerImpl implement Handler {
    Handler A = new HandlerA();
    Handler B = new HandlerB();
  public void handle(Result result) {
    switch (result.getType()){
      case A:
      case B:

the service

public class Service{
   Handler handler = new HandlerImpl();
   public process() {
     Result result = .....

But I feel wired about HandlerImpl for I think maybe it should not implement Handle. I have read some blogs about Proxy/Delefate design pattern, I didn't get some better implements. Anyone has some better suggestion about how to implment this funciton. Many thanks

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