vendredi 28 octobre 2016

Duplicate conditional statements in the factory

How to get rid of them? I'm wondering if there is a pattern or something that addresses this problem. Basically I need to instantiate a concrete child class based on the type property of another class, i.e. if type=1 then new A, else if type=2 then new B etc. I've ended up with this kind of a factory in the class with the type property:

 * Get a ticket decorator based on the ticket type
 * @return ReferralService\TicketDecorator
 * @throws Exception
public function getTicketDecorator(): ReferralService\TicketDecorator
    if (!$this->code) {
        throw new Exception("Couldn't create a ticket wrapper based on the type without a code");

     * The debug service
     * @var Debug\Service $debugService
    $debugService = app(Debug\Service::class);

    switch ($this->code) {
        case self::TYPE_FEEDBACK:
            return new ReferralService\TicketDecorator\FeedbackTicketDecorator($debugService);
        case self::TYPE_BIRTHDAY:
            return new ReferralService\TicketDecorator\BirthdayTicketDecorator($debugService);
        case self::TYPE_NEW_PARTNER:
            return new ReferralService\TicketDecorator\PartnerTicketDecorator($debugService);
            throw new Exception(sprintf("Couldn't instantiate a ticket decorator based on the %s type", $this->code));


 * Instantiate a private page based on the ticket type
 * @param ReferralService\Service $service
 * @param Referrer $referrer
 * @param Ticket $ticket
 * @return ReferralService\Page\PrivatePage
 * @throws Exception
public function getPrivatePage(ReferralService\Service $service, Referrer $referrer, Ticket $ticket): ReferralService\Page\PrivatePage
    if (!$this->code) {
        throw new Exception("Couldn't create a private page based on the type without a code");

    switch ($this->code) {
        case self::TYPE_FEEDBACK:
            return new ReferralService\Page\PrivatePage\EmailReference($this->service, $referrer, $ticket);
        case self::TYPE_BIRTHDAY:
            return new ReferralService\Page\PrivatePage\Birthday($this->service, $referrer, $ticket);
        case self::TYPE_NEW_PARTNER:
            return new ReferralService\Page\PrivatePage\Partner($this->service, $referrer, $ticket);
            throw new Exception(sprintf("Could't find a page for the type", $this->code));

Every method in the factory tests the type field, this looks clumsy for me. I thought to have a separate child class for every type and use factory methods without conditional statements, but I can't do so with Laravel models.

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