I wrote a simple tic-tac-toe program in Haskell. It runs on the command line, has a one and two player mode, and implements a minimax algorithm when you play against it.
I'm used to writing proper code in OO languages, but Haskell is new to me. This code works reasonably well, but seems hard to read (even to me!). Any suggestions on how to make this code more...Haskellian?
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
data Square = A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | X | O deriving (Read, Eq, Ord)
instance Show Square where
show A = "a"
show B = "b"
show C = "c"
show D = "d"
show E = "e"
show F = "f"
show G = "g"
show H = "h"
show I = "i"
show X = "X"
show O = "O"
type Row = [Square]
type Board = [Row]
data Player = PX | PO deriving (Read, Eq)
instance Show Player where
show PX = "Player X"
show PO = "Player O"
data Result = XWin | Tie | OWin deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Let's play some tic tac toe!!!"
putStrLn "Yeeeaaaaaahh!!!"
gameSelect :: IO ()
gameSelect = do
putStrLn "Who gonna play, one playa or two??? (Enter 1 or 2)"
gameMode <- getLine
case gameMode of "1" -> onePlayerMode
"2" -> twoPlayerMode
gameMode -> gameSelect
where onePlayerMode = do
putStrLn "One playa"
putStrLn "Cool! Get ready to play...AGAINST MY INVINCIBLE TIC TAC TOE AI!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!"
gameLoop 1 emptyBoard PX
twoPlayerMode = do
putStrLn "Two players"
gameLoop 2 emptyBoard PX
emptyBoard = [[A,B,C],[D,E,F],[G,H,I]]
gameLoop :: Int -> Board -> Player -> IO ()
gameLoop noOfPlayers board player = do
case detectWin board of Just XWin -> endgame board XWin
Just OWin -> endgame board OWin
Just Tie -> endgame board Tie
Nothing -> if noOfPlayers == 1
then if player == PX
then enterMove 1 board player
else enterBestMove board PO
else enterMove 2 board player
enterMove :: Int -> Board -> Player -> IO ()
enterMove noOfPlayers board player = do
displayBoard board
if noOfPlayers == 1
then do putStrLn ("Make your move. (A-I)")
else do putStrLn (show player ++ ", it's your turn. (A-I)")
move <- getLine
print move
if not $ move `elem` ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i"]
then do
putStrLn $ move ++ " is not a move, doofus"
gameLoop noOfPlayers board player
else if (read (map toUpper move) :: Square) `elem` [ sq | sq <- concat board]
then do
gameLoop noOfPlayers (newBoard (read (map toUpper move) :: Square) player board) (if player == PX then PO else PX)
else do
putStrLn "That square is already occupied"
gameLoop noOfPlayers board player
enterBestMove :: Board -> Player -> IO ()
enterBestMove board player = gameLoop 1 (newBoard bestmove player board) PX
where bestmove = fst $ findBestMove PO board
findBestMove :: Player -> Board -> (Square, Result)
findBestMove player board
| player == PO = findMax results
| player == PX = findMin results
where findMin = foldl1 (\ acc x -> if snd x < snd acc then x else acc)
findMax = foldl1 (\ acc x -> if snd x > snd acc then x else acc)
results = [ (sq, getResult b) | (sq, b) <- boards player board ]
getResult b = if detectWin b == Nothing
then snd (findBestMove (if player == PX then PO else PX) b)
else fromJust $ detectWin b
boards :: Player -> Board -> [(Square, Board)]
boards player board = [(sq, newBoard sq player board) | sq <- concat board, sq /= X, sq /=O]
displayBoard :: Board -> IO ()
displayBoard board = do
mapM_ print board
newBoard :: Square -> Player -> Board -> Board
newBoard move player board = [ [if sq == move then mark else sq | sq <- row] | row <- board]
where mark = if player == PX then X else O
detectWin :: Board -> (Maybe Result)
detectWin board
| [X,X,X] `elem` board ++ transpose board = Just XWin
| [X,X,X] `elem` [diagonal1 board, diagonal2 board] = Just XWin
| [O,O,O] `elem` board ++ transpose board = Just OWin
| [O,O,O] `elem` [diagonal1 board, diagonal2 board] = Just OWin
| [X,X,X,X,X,O,O,O,O] == (sort $ concat board) = Just Tie
| otherwise = Nothing
diagonal1 :: Board -> [Square]
diagonal1 bs = bs!!0!!0 : bs!!1!!1 : bs!!2!!2 : []
diagonal2 :: Board -> [Square]
diagonal2 bs = bs!!0!!2 : bs!!1!!1 : bs!!2!!0 : []
endgame :: Board -> Result -> IO ()
endgame board result = do
displayBoard board
if result `elem` [XWin, OWin]
let player = if result == XWin then PX else PO
in do
putStrLn ("The game is over, and " ++ show player ++ " wins!")
putStrLn ((if player == PX then show PO else show PX) ++ " is a loser lol")
else do
putStrLn "The game is a tie"
putStrLn "You are both losers! Ugh!"
putStrLn "Want to play again? (y/n)"
again <- getLine
if again `elem` ["y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES"]
then gameSelect
else do
putStrLn "Goodbye"
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