vendredi 4 août 2017

Constructor Injection Pattern needed

I have a set of 3 nested classes where the 'inner' classes are instanciated in the constructor of the 'outer' classes. In the constructors, I want to pass variables from the outer class to the inner, so the inner classes can use them:

class A
    protected $vars = ['a_var' => 'var_from_a'];

    public function __construct($context = [])
        $this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, $context);
        $this->b = new B($this->vars);

    public function get()
        return $this->vars['a_var'] . '<br>' . $this->b->get();

class B
    protected $vars = ['b_var' => 'var_from_b'];

    public function __construct($context = [])
        $this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, $context);
        $this->c = new C($this->vars);

    public function get()
        return $this->vars['a_var'] . '/' . $this->vars['b_var'] . '<br>' . $this->c->get() ;

class C
    protected $vars = ['c_var' => 'var_from_c'];

    public function __construct($context = [])
        $this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, $context);

    public function get()
        return $this->vars['a_var'] . '/' . $this->vars['b_var'] . '/' . $this->vars['c_var'] . '<br>';

$a = new A();
echo $a->get();

// var_from_a
// var_from_a/var_from_b
// var_from_a/var_from_b/var_from_c

So far so good, but I want to change the class method get() of class B to the following:

class B
    /* ... */
    public function get()
        /* insertion here */
        $this->vars['b_var'] = 'hurray';
        /* insertion here */
        return $this->vars['a_var'] . '/' . $this->vars['b_var'] . '<br>' . $this->c->get() ;

// var_from_a
// var_from_a/hurray
// var_from_a/var_from_b/var_from_c

So my question is: Is there a pattern, maybe something with referenced variables, to get this result instead:

// var_from_a
// var_from_a/hurray
// var_from_a/hurray/var_from_c 

I want to change the already passed variable in class C from a method of class B.

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