jeudi 24 août 2017

Multiple properties in same ECS component

I understand the ECS pattern and what it aims to solve. However I'm struggling to find the best way to identify the components.

For example, I'm working on a game where you have a ship and you can attack other players/npc and collect resources.

Do I need to have a component for each property or can I group apparently unrelated properties in the same component?

E.g, with a component per property it would look like this:

// Components
Position {
    int x, y;
Velocity {
    int speed;
    double direction;
Sprite {
    Image[] images;
Health {
    int health;
Name {
    String name;
Resource {
    // Tag for resources.

// Entities
MapEntity {
    Position position;
    Sprite sprite;
ResourceEntity {
    Position position;
    Sprite sprite;
    Resource resource;
ShipEntity {
    Position position;
    Sprite sprite;
    Velocity velocity;
    Health health;
    Name name;

With multiple components per property it would look like this:

// Components
MapObject {
    int x, y; // Position
    Image[] images; // Sprite
Resource {
    // Tag for resources
Velocity { // separated component for static map entities
    int speed;
    double direction;
Ship {
    int health
    String name;

// Entities
MapEntity {
    MapObject mapObject;
ResourceEntity {
    MapObject mapObject;
    Resource resource;
Ship {
    MapObject mapObject;
    Velocity velocity;
    Ship ship;

I don't think it will make a difference, but I'm using LibGDX's Ashley framework.

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