lundi 23 janvier 2017

Shared DTO library WebAPI + WPFapp

I'm using DTO library shared between server and client.
Example DTOLib:

public class BaseDTO
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string SharedProperty { get; set; }

public class BookDTO: BaseDTO
     public const string ApiPath = "api/books"
     public string IndividualProperty { get; set; }

public class NewsPapaerDTO: BaseDTO
     public const string ApiPath = "api/newspapers"
     public string IndividualProperty { get; set; }

I have individual webapi controller for each data type:
Example Asp.NetWebAPI:

public class BookController: WebApiController
    public BookDTO GetById (int id)
        // db or service operation
        return new BookDTO ();

    public IEnumerable<BookDTO> GetAll ()
        // db or service operation
        return new List<BookDTO>();

    public BookDTO FindByName(string name)
        // db or service operation
        return new List<BookDTO>();

In my client I'm using generic methods like: Example Asp.NetWebAPI:

private const string BASE_URI = "http://localhost:36417";
public T GetItemById<T>(string id) where T : BaseDTO, new ()
    var clsType = typeof(T);
    var pathField = clsType.GetField("ApiPath");
    var pathFieldvalue = (string)pathField.GetRawConstantValue();
    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.CreateHttp($"{BASE_URI}/{pathFieldvalue}/{id}");
    var stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
    string data = "";
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream))
        data = sr.ReadToEnd();
    return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(data);
    catch (Exception)
    finally { }

And finally in my client code I'm using: Client code:

var book = GetItemById<BookDTO>(1);
var newspaper = GetItemById<NewsPapaerDTO>(2);

Anyone have suggestions how to beautify this?

public const string ApiPath = "api/books" // looks ugly I think

maybe some kind of mapper library?

I want to keep client and server DTOs paths associated.

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