mercredi 25 janvier 2017

Angular2 - Project Structure

I will start to a new Angular2 project and I am trying to understand the best structure for an Angular2 application. Let I have pages as home, auto-galleries, nearest-galleries, brands, cars and selected-car. And the navigation order is

home -> auto-galleries -> nearest-galleries


home -> brands -> cars -> selected-car

For the best approach, should I use components or modules for each page? If modules are a better approach, should I use hierarchical modules or all at same level under the root module?

For example, how good is the structure below:

├--- app.module.ts
├--- app.component.ts
├--- home.html
├--- brands
|    ├--- brands.module.ts
|    ├--- brands.component.ts
|    ├--- brands.html
|    ├--- cars
|         ├--- cars.module.ts
|         ├--- cars.component.ts
|         ├--- cars.html
|         ├--- selected-car
|              ├--- selected-car.module.ts
|              ├--- selected-car.component.ts
|              ├--- selected-car.html
├--- auto-galleries
     ├--- auto-galleries.module.ts
     ├--- auto-galleries.component.ts
     ├--- auto-galleries.html
     ├--- nearest-galleries
          ├--- nearest-galleries.module.ts
          ├--- nearest-galleries.component.ts
          ├--- nearest-galleries.html

Or is this structure better:

├--- app.module.ts
├--- app.component.ts
├--- home.html
├--- brands
|    ├--- brands.module.ts
|    ├--- brands.component.ts
|    ├--- brands.html
├--- cars
|    ├--- cars.module.ts
|    ├--- cars.component.ts
|    ├--- cars.html
├--- selected-car
|    ├--- selected-car.module.ts
|    ├--- selected-car.component.ts
|    ├--- selected-car.html
├--- auto-galleries
|    ├--- auto-galleries.module.ts
|    ├--- auto-galleries.component.ts
|    ├--- auto-galleries.html
├--- nearest-galleries
     ├--- nearest-galleries.module.ts
     ├--- nearest-galleries.component.ts
     ├--- nearest-galleries.html

Note: This is just a simple example, my application better fits a modular structure :)

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