lundi 24 juillet 2023

Switching long inheritance tree for composition / agreggation

I have a program in Java which uses a lot of inheritance, and it's making it troublesome to modify and test the final derived classes

So I'm refactoring, attempting to switch from inheritance to aggregation / composition. The design in question is similar to A isInheritedBy -> B isInheritedBy -> C isInheritedBy -> D

My problems are:

  • Calling functions from derived classes instances that the base classes don't have, while still having access to the base classes functions. There is often a need to call things like d.methodNotInBaseClasses() that calls functions from the base classes
  • Calling overridden functions through the derived class instances, so calling d.methodFirstDefinedInA() that can call the same method from instances of C, B and A
  • I need to maintain polymorphic behavior to minimize the required changes to the rest of the code. Currently there is a lot of A a = new D()
  • I need to have loose coupling between base and derived classes

The best design I've thought of for class creation is:

Assume that classes A,B,C and D exist, where B to D are coupled to the previous class by constructor dependency injection

class Builder {
    public A createInstanceOfA(){
        return new A();

    public B createInstanceOfB(){
        return new B(createInstanceOfA());

    public C createInstanceOfC(){
        return new C(createInstanceOfB());

    public D createInstanceOfD(){
        return new D(createInstanceOfC());

This seems fine for me. However for polymorphic behavior behavior from base classes I'm defining interfaces that each derived class implements for its base classes:

interface InterfaceForA {
    void doSomething();

interface InterfaceForB {
    void doMore();

interface InterfaceForC {
    void doEvenMore();

interface InterfaceForD {
    void doTheMost();

And now you can see the problems of duplicated functions:

Sidenote: I'm aware @Override is not required for interface implementations, I added those for clarity

class A implements InterfaceForA {
    public void doSomething(){
        System.out.println("A did something");

class B implements InterfaceForB, InterfaceForA {
    private A a;

    B(A a){
        this.a = a;

    public void doSomething(){

    public void doMore(){
        System.out.println("B did more");

class C implements InterfaceForC, InterfaceForB, InterfaceForA {
    private B b;

    C(B b){
        this.b = b;

    public void doSomething(){

    public void doMore(){

    public void doEvenMore(){
        System.out.println("C did even more");

class D implements InterfaceForD, InterfaceForC, InterfaceForB, InterfaceForA {
    private C c;

    D(C c){
        this.c = c;

    public void doSomething(){
        System.out.println("D did something");

    public void doMore(){

    public void doEvenMore(){

    public void doTheMost(){
        System.out.println("D did the most");

All for being able to do these:

class App {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        D d = builder.createInstanceOfD();

        // Allows functions the base classes don't have, yet have access to the base classes functions

        // Allows calling overriden functions of the base classes directly

        // Allows calling overriden function from base classes interfaces
        InterfaceForA a = d;

If this already seems too complex, consider also that the entire dependency tree consists of about 90 classes, with the deepest ones maybe with 6-8 base classes

I also tried the Strategy pattern, with dependencies inverted like A dependsOn InterfaceForB, B dependsOn InterfaceForC, C dependsOn InterfaceForD and D having no dependencies, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. I had to make Builder more complicated, I could only call A methods from D by making D depend on A, and to either:

  • Keep references to the instance of each base class and call each instance function separatedly. The client code from the 13 lines in main() grew to 28
  • Use getters in base clases to get the interface to their strategy. The client code grew from 13 to 20, and the entire code grew from 129 to 148


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