mercredi 5 octobre 2022

Factory that should return different types based on input param

I have type based on which I need to create different objects. The one specific thing - all that object has some common part.

So I thought to have some base class for them. And in each separate class add only specific properties.

class BaseClass {
    public int Prop1 {get;set;}
    public string Prop2 {get;set;}

class MyClass1 : BaseClass {
    public int PropMyClass1 {get;set;}

class MyClass2 : BaseClass {
    public string PropMyClass2 {get;set;}

I thought about create factories:

interface ICreator<T>{
    bool CanHanlde(string type);
    T Create();

class Creator1: ICreator<MyClass1>
    bool CanHandle(string type) {return "type1" == type;}
    MyClass1 Create();

class Creator2: ICreator<MyClass2>
    bool CanHandle(string type) {return "type2" == type;}
    MyClass2 Create();   

And now I would like to create some factory that will return concreate class based on type. Problem - I don't know how to pass type into generic. From where I need to get type? I can register all types for ICreator and inject it with DI. Select the one which return true in CanHandle method. But don't know how to get type for generic.

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