dimanche 16 octobre 2022

Angular Should I create service for each entity?

In my angular application, I want to include the user token in each of my http request, so for what i have learned it is best to create a service so i dont have manually include my token or other parameter each time for my http request. The code could be like this:

export class FacilityService{
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
  const httpOptions = {
    header: new HttpHeaders({
    Authorization: `bearer ` + JSON.parse(localStorage.GetItem('user')).token

  load(): Observable<any> {
    return this.http.get<any>(
      `${environment.rootUrl}/facility/getFacility`, httpOptions

However, I also learned to use the Service to store state. So we dont have to request from the server each time. The Code could like this:

export class FacilityService{
  facility: Facility[] = [];

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
  const httpOptions = {
    header: new HttpHeaders({
    Authorization: `bearer ` + JSON.parse(localStorage.GetItem('user')).token

  load(): Observable<any> {
    if(this.facility.length > 0) return of(this.facility);
    return this.http.get<any>(
      `${environment.rootUrl}/facility/getFacility`, httpOptions
    ).pipe(map(facility => 
                 this.facility = facility;
                 return facility;

2 question:

  1. if I suppose to create a local state for all HTTP requests of all my entities? Each time I check the local data first and if it does not exist I request from the server. And I will have facility service, user service, order service.

  2. How should I merge all those services into one service so I don't have to create the service for each of my entities? example, users data, and orders data can also share the service

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