mercredi 6 juillet 2022

Duplicating current service or using Template Method (Design Pattern) in Java?

In my Java (Spring Boot) app, I have the following pdf service that uses BrandService:


public interface PDFService<T, S> {

    String generatePdf(UUID uuid);


public class BrandPDFServiceImpl implements PDFService {

    private final BrandService brandService;

    public String generatePdf(UUID uuid) {

        BrandDTO brandDTO = brandService.findByUuid(uuid); 

        // ...

Now I need to duplicate BrandPDFServiceImpl as CookbookPDFServiceImpl, and I can do this easily as shown below:


public class CookbookPDFServiceImpl implements PDFService {

    private final CookbookService cookbookService;

    public String generatePdf(UUID uuid) {

        CookbookDTO cookbookDTO = cookbookService.findByUuid(uuid); 

        // ...

However, I am not sure if I should use Template Method design pattern for the common generatePdf method. So, in this scene, what is the most proper way?

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