jeudi 23 juin 2022

Generic factory for type T

I've been a software developer for more than a year now and I wanted to try and create my own generic factory, to instantiate new objects.

Overall the goal is, to create a generic solution to instantiate different kinds of objects from the Java Collections, with different arguments in the diamonds.

The problem: I'm receiving multiple errors up on calling that method.

  • java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: java.util.List.<init>(com...AccountDTO) after I call the method.
  • Change variable accountDTOs to type List, instead of List<AccountDTO> warning in the editor.

The code which doesn't work: I've written a brief explanation in a commented line of code

public static <T extends Collection<?>, E> T getInstance(Class<T> t, Class<E> args) {
    try {
        // This is not working because I can not pass the identifier as a constructor argument
        return t.getDeclaredConstructor(args).newInstance(args);
        // This is the goal I _kind of_ want to achieve
        return new T<E>();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

And last but not least, the line of code, which is calling the factory to create a new instance of that object:

List<AccountDTO> accountDTOs =  EntityFactory.getInstance(List.class, AccountDTO.class);

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