dimanche 22 mai 2022

Javascript - Generalize similar function with different parameters

Imagine two type of content in an app: "Songs" and "Films".

I have two helper methods that are really similar:

 * @protected <-- No need to validate arguments, as the method is "protected".
 * ...
function fillRemainingSongsList(currentSongs, currentUserId) {
  const remainingSongs = MAX_LIST_SIZE - currentSongs.length; 
  const shouldFetchTrending = Math.random() < FETCH_TRENDING_PROBABILITY;
  const promises = [
    shouldFetchTrending ? api.songs.getTrendingSongs() : undefined

  const [
    randomSongs = [],
    trendingSongs = [],
  ] = await Promise.all(promises);

  return [...currentSongs, ...randomSongs, ...trendingSongs];


 * @protected
 * ...
async function fillRemainingFilmsList(currentFilms, category) {
  const remainingFilms = MAX_LIST_SIZE - currentFilms.length; 
  const shouldFetchTrending = Math.random() < FETCH_TRENDING_PROBABILITY;
  const promises = [
    shouldFetchTrending ? api.films.getTrendingFilms(category) : undefined

  const [
    randomFilms = [],
    trendingFilms = [],
  ] = await Promise.all(promises);

  return [...currentFilms, ...randomFilms, ...trendingFilms];

As you can see, there is code repetition in both functions. How can I do to generalize them more? Any design pattern? The problem I am handling is that both methods calls to different api methods, and have different parameters... but, in the other hand, I am trying to not repeat my self in the logic.

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