mercredi 18 mai 2022

Is there a design pattern name for this code? [closed]

Can you tell me if this code is a named design pattern ?
I looked to many GOF patterns but I can't find one looking like this one. The closest pattern I found is "strategy" but "strategy" pattern runs only one service at runtime whereas here all services are running at runtime.


interface stuffable {
  public function doStuff(string $stuff): void;

class serviceA implements stuffable
  public function doStuff(string $stuff): void
    echo "I am doing some $stuff\n";

class serviceB implements stuffable
  public function doStuff(string $stuff): void
    echo "I am doing some other $stuff\n";

class stuffManager
  private $services = [];
  public function addStuffableServices(stuffable $service)
    $this->services[] = $service;
  public function stuffToDo(string $stuff)
    foreach ($this->services as $service) {

$serviceA = new serviceA();
$serviceB = new serviceB();
$stuffManager = new stuffManager();

the expected output is :

I am doing some stuff
I am doing some other stuff

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