mercredi 8 décembre 2021

Pattern.matches in Kotlin [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out proper way of working with RegEx in Kotlin. After working with RegEx to no good I found the link at shows something equivalent to RegEx and I tried various tests as in the below and got true only for the first three.

But I think many other candidates should show true. Can anyone help me understand what the problem is?

    var patterns = arrayOf (
        arrayOf ("abc","abc"),         // true
        arrayOf ("abc","cba"),         // true
        arrayOf ("abc","aaa"),         // true
        arrayOf ("[a-c]","abc"),       // false, but should be true
        arrayOf ("[a-c]","abcd"),      // false, OK
        arrayOf ("""[a-c]""","abc"),   // false
        arrayOf ("""[a-c]""","abcd"),  // false
        arrayOf ("\\d","11"),          // false
        arrayOf ("[\\d]","11"),        // false, should be true [\d] led to error in compile
        arrayOf ("[a-z]","abc"),       // false, should be true
        arrayOf ("[a-zA-Z]","abcZBD")  // flase, should be true

    for (i in 0 until patterns.size){
        Log.d(TAG, "${i} >> ${Pattern.matches(patterns[i][0],patterns[i][0])}")

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