vendredi 24 décembre 2021

i need a psudocode of picture 2 upload below

Imagine that you’re working on a notification library which lets other programs notify their users about important events. The initial version of the library was based on the Notifier class that had only a few fields, a constructor and a single send method. The method could accept a message argument from a client and send the message to a list of emails that were passed to the notifier via its constructor. A third-party app which acted as a client was supposed to create and configure the notifier object once, and then use it each time something important happened. At some point, you realize that users of the library expect more than just email notifications. Many of them would like to receive an SMS about critical issues. Others would like to be notified on Facebook and, of course, the corporate users would love to get Slack notifications. Some of them would like to be informed through every channel. One possible solution is given below: Extending a class is the first thing that comes to mind when you need to alter an object’s behavior. However, inheritance has several serious caveats that you need to be aware of. Inheritance is static. You can’t alter the behavior of an existing object at runtime. You can only replace the whole object with another one that’s created from a different subclass. enter image description here

I NEED A PSUDOCODE OF THIS PICTURE enter image description here

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