vendredi 24 septembre 2021

Best practices for passing 'this' to class with smart pointers [closed]

I have a file in a certain format, which represents a file system. In addition, I have a class called 'FS', which parsing the above file, and builds an array of files. It looks like this:

class File
    friend FS;

    FS * fs;

    File(FS *fs) : fs(fs) {
    void readFile() {

class FS
        std::vector<File> files;
        int readSector(...) {
        void parse() {
            for (...) {
        File getFileByName(...) {
            return File(this);
  1. What's the best way to pass 'this' to the 'File' class?
  2. Should I use smart pointers? If so, how should I use them in this case? If I did use them, what would happen if I make an instance of 'FS' with a 'new' operator but inside I would use with smart pointers for 'this'?
  3. Is the use of 'friend' right here?

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