lundi 3 mai 2021

Partly using Open Source Product

I'm trying to build something, where one of the open-source products is a perfect fit for one of the modules. Now the open-source product is quite way large, than what I need. I firmly believe in the open-source concept, hence I'd like to continue using the core technology. Contribute if any enhancement/fixes are done on the same. And upgrade my side in the future whenever something good comes along.

This is why I'm not considering building something similar by taking inspiration from this open-source project.

The issue here is the product is quite big and has a lot of unwanted modules as well. I'm thinking of cherry-picking the module/packages and continue on that. And maintain the same in the future, to avoid a lot of dead code in my repo, as well as continue on the path of open-source.

However, I haven't seen such an approach in past, looking for opinions for such a case.

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