samedi 29 mai 2021

What is the best approach to reuse similar method in multiple Services that use similar objects?

I have several services that have the same method that is called by a Scheduler. This is one example of one service.

public class MyService1 {

     private MyLocalMapper1 localMapper1;
     private MyLocalRepository1 localRepository1;

     private MyExternalMapper1 externalMapper1;
     private MyExternalRepository1 externalRepository1;

     public void startProcess() {
          //I use the mappers and the repositories in here

I have 15 services exactly similars to this one but every service has a specific mappers (e.g. MyLocalMapper2, MyLocalMapper3, etc...) and also repositories.


 public class MyService2 {

     private MyLocalMapper2 localMapper2;
     private MyLocalRepository2 localRepository2;

     private MyExternalMapper2 externalMapper2;
     private MyExternalRepository2 externalRepository2;

     public void startProcess() {
          //I use the mappers and the repositories in here

Is there any design pattern which allows to reuse the code inside startProcess method taking into account that the objects it uses are different in every service?

I thought in creating interfaces for every object such as: LocalMapperInterface, LocalRepositoryInterface, etc.. and pass it to a single method with all those interfaces as parameters but not sure if that is the best approach.

Thanks in advance.

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