vendredi 28 mai 2021

How to design hardware interfaces in C# while staying DRY and SOLID?

I am having a design problem with an application that handles two or more networked I/O devices.

Both devices share properties like a name, IP address, and port. They will also share methods such as Connect(), Disconnect(), IsConnected().

In an effort to stay DRY, this leads me to believe I need some interface - IODevice.

public interface IODevice
    int Id { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    IPAddress IPAddress { get; set; }
    int Port { get; set; }
    bool IsConnected();
    void Connect();
    void Disconnect();

With both devices defined:

public class DeviceOne : IODevice

    private DeviceOneApi _api;
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IPAddress IPAddress { get; set; }
    int Port { get; set; }
    public DeviceOne()
        _api = new DeviceOneApi();

    public bool IsConnected()
        return _api.IsDeviceConnected();

    public void Connect() 
    public void Disconnect()

public class DeviceTwo : IODevice

I will need to monitor the I/O to detect changes - this could be a digital sensor or a bit-change in memory. I was thinking of using some controller to loop through all defined devices and check the device I/O. An event aggregator will be used to send out notifications.

public class IOController
    private Thread _monitorThread;
    private int _monitorDelay;  
    private bool _canMonitor;
    private ILogger _logger;
    public static List<IODevice> Devices { get; set; }
    public IOController(ILogger logger)
        _logger = logger;
        _monitorDelay = 100;
        _monitorThread = new Thread(Monitor);
    public void AddDevice(IODevice device)
    public void StartMonitor()
        _canMonitor = true;
    private void Monitor()
            foreach(IODevice device in Devices)
                // Check I/O Points
                EventAggregator.Instance.Publish(new SomeIOChange(IODetails));

This is the first place I am trying to make a decision. Each device implements its own types of I/O. I.e. DeviceOne may use integers in memory and DeviceTwo may use booleans from digital signals. A device may also use multiple types of I/O - digital, analog, strings, etc and the device API will implement methods to read/write each of these types.

So, I could either keep a seperate list of each device type and run multiple foreach loops:

foreach(IODeviceOne deviceOne in DeviceOnes) {  }
foreach(IODeviceTwo deviceTwo in DeviceTwos) {  }

Or, I could have the IODevice implement a method that checks its own I/O.

public interface IODevice
    void CheckIO();
private void Monitor()
        foreach(IODevice device in Devices)

However, there will also be external scripts and user input that will need to read or modify an I/O type directly. With the IODevice interface defined in a way to be shared across devices, there is not a specific implementation of read/write.

For instance, a user may hit a toggle on the front-end that will affect a digital output in device one. Eventually, this action needs to be propagated to:

public class DeviceOne : IODevice
    public void WriteDeviceOnePointTypeOne(DeviceOnePointDetails details)

Since I am using EventAggregator, should I just implement the event listeners in each device instance?

public class DeviceOne : IODevice, ISubscriber<DeviceOnePointUpdate>
    public void OnEvent(DeviceOnePointTypeOneUpdate e)

Or should I just use specific interfaces all the way down even though this may not follow DRY?

public DeviceOneController : IDeviceOneController
    private void Monitor()
            foreach(IODeviceOne deviceOne in DeviceOnes)
                // Check for I/O updates in device one

Would casting be an option while still remaining SOLID?

public class FrontEndIOEventHandler
    private ILogger _logger;
    private IOController _controller;
    public FrontEndIOEventHandler(ILogger logger, IOController controller)

    public void UpdateDeviceOnePointTypeOne(int deviceId, DeviceOnePointTypeOneUpdate details)
        DeviceOne deviceOne = _controller.GetDeviceById(deviceId) as DeviceOne;

I am using interfaces to aid in unit-testing and I eventually want to implement an IoC container. The device information will come from some external configuration and this configuration will include a device map (the only important I/O points will be defined by the user).

    <device type="device_one">
                <module type="point_type_one">
    <device type="device_two">
                <integer length="32" type="point_type_four">

The overall goal is to read the configuration, instantiate each device, connect to them, start monitoring the specified I/O for changes, and have the device available for direct read/write.

I am open to all comments and criticisms! Please let me know if I am way off. I am still a novice and attempting to become a better (read: more professional) developer. I know there are ways to do this quick and dirty, but this is part of a bigger project and I'd like this code to be maintainable + extensible.

Let me know if I need to provide any additional detail! Thanks.

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