mardi 25 mai 2021

How to achieve reusability or avoid the parent interface editing in OOP

Let say I have the following interface,

interface Component{

 public String name();
 public Integer id();


class ButtonComponent implements Component{

 public String name(){
    return "button";
 public Integer id(){
    return 123;


Then I'm using the component like this.

class ComponentHolder {

  public static Component getButtonComponent(){
    return new ButtonComponent();


Component component = ComponentHolder.getButtonComponent();;;

Later on, I have the new component called ImageComponent and I want to get dimension of that image so how I can add the dimension method in the ImageComponent without editing the parent because if I edit the parent, I have to define the dimension in the ButtonComponent also.

class ImageComponent implements Component{
  public String name(){
    return "Image"
  public String id(){
    return 111;
  public String dimension(){
    return new int[]{300,250};

class ComponentHolder {

  public static Component getButtonComponent(){
    return new ButtonComponent();
  public static Component getImageComponent(){
    return new ImageComponent();


Component component = ComponentHolder.getImageComponent();;;
component.dimension(); // Compile Time Error, no dimension is defined in the Component Class.

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