I have a console app where I solved one algorithm in it. I had all the logic in program.cs file, but then I was asked to implement Object Oriented design, and use separation of concerne more. So I started separating my logic in different classes, but in program.cs I had 4 global variables that I would use in my logic to solve the algorithm.
Now I have separated these 4 global variables and I've put them in a single class. What I need is to use these fields, in the same way as I had in my program.cs I need to use these 4 global variables throughout the classes and methods, where I assign different values to them.
I have tried to implement Singleton design pattern, as I thought this would suit my case, because I would instantiate the class only once, and I would store these values to use them in different moments, with their specific values.
So basically I would need one class to be instantiated only once, and to be used throughout other classes but also to preserve the values as I would with global variables.
This is my code
class cars.cs
public void ForbidenConfig(int number)
Collections c = new Collections();
Wheels3 w3 = Wheels3.GetInstance; // here I get the instance of the class
int k = 1;
Configurations[] block = new Configurations[number];
for (int i = number; i > 0; i--)
Console.Write("Test case " + k + ": ");
//bla bla bla another logic here
//below I want to add data to collections
w3.Collections.Add(block[k - 1]);
c.AddCollections(object1, object2);
Now I have also this other class collections.cs where I have this code
public void AddCollections(CarsConfigurations config, CarsConfigurations previousConfig)
Cars w3 = Cars.GetInstance; // here I get the instance of the class
if (CheckConfiguration(config) == false)
//below I also add data to another field of the singleton class
now this is my singletton class
public void AddCollections(CarsConfigurations config, CarsConfigurations previousConfig)
Cars w3 = Cars.GetInstance; // here I get the instance of the class
if (CheckConfiguration(config) == false)
public sealed class Cars
private static List<CarsConfigurations> ConfigCollections = new List<CarsConfigurations>();
private static List<CarsConfigurations> ClosedStateCollections = new List<CarsConfigurations>();
private static Cars instance = null;
public static Cars GetInstance
if (instance == null)
instance = new Cars();
return instance;
private Cars()
List<CarsConfigurations> ConfigCollections = new List<CarsConfigurations>();
List<CarsConfigurations> ClosedStateCollections = new List<CarsConfigurations>();
public static void ConfigCollection()
return this.ConfigCollections; // this line gives me an error ofcourse, Member 'Cars.ConfigCollections' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead
Can I achieve what I'm looking for with Singleton design pattern..? If yes how can I manage it? Is there any other way? Can you guys please help me, I have this task to deliver, and I'm really out of time! Can you give any other ideas?
I would really really appreciate some help. Thank you in advance!
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