I am having stressful time on how to pass objects to different layers (should we map while before we send to inner layer or after - when we are inside of that layer) and how should I name them. I believe this is more of asking you people's opinions rather than answering my question. By looking at examples on internet there is no strong opinion, convention on this issue.
I wrote oversimplified code with comments to make my confusions clear.
Even in this example it was hard to refactor when I change something on domain layer let's say I want use book_id rather than id on domain. I am getting pretty scared because in my projects some domain entities have more complex objects than this so changing the shape of the domain layer resulting a lot of refactoring. I know that we should not change domain layer a lot but are there any approaches you guys are adopting when the change is necessary.
interface IControllerDependencies {
usecase: (todoParam: any) => any;
interface IRepository {
create: (todoObject: any) => { _id: string; desc: string };
interface IUsecaseDependencies {
repo: IRepository;
function todoFactory(todoItem: any) {
return {
id: undefined,
desc: todoItem.desc,
function usecase(dep: IUsecaseDependencies) {
const _dep = dep;
return function (todoParam: any) {
const todoEntity = todoFactory(todoParam);
// Should we map immediately here to persistance layer
// or should we map inside persistence layer. By mapping I mean _id: id
// todoEntity.toPersistence or toPersistence(todoEntity)
const todoPersistenceItem = _dep.repo.create(todoEntity);
// When we receive persistence layer object
// Should we call todoDAO and map it in here or before create actually returns
// And should we map it to toDomain() or DTO
return todoPersistenceItem;
function repository(): IRepository {
return {
create: (obj) => ({ ...obj }),
const sanitize = (req) => req;
function controller(req: { desc: string }, res, dep: IControllerDependencies) {
// First of all I believe we should sanitize the request obj in here.
// And then call sanitized variable todoDto ? todoInput ?
const todoDTO = sanitize(req);
const obj = dep.usecase(todoDTO);
function main() {
const TodoRepo = repository();
const CreateTodoUsecase = usecase({ repo: TodoRepo });
{ desc: "buy milk" },
{ send: () => {} },
{ usecase: CreateTodoUsecase }
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