mardi 11 mai 2021

CQRS with event driven architecture but without event sourcing

Before posting this, I referred many sites and learning platforms but saw similar pattern of developing CQRS with event sourcing. Again to have proper events you need to follow DDD pattern. I have below questions.

  1. Can we keep read and write DB in sync just by publishing event from write model and consume it at read model using event handler and updating read database
  2. Why Event-Sourcing and replay of events needed if my requirement is to only see latest data
  3. I can manage audit of data as and when events reaches at event handler
  4. I can version messages based on timestamp in case if race condition.
  5. Please explain by doing steps 1,3 and 4, am I still following CQRS pattern?

FYI, I am using .NetCore 3.1, AWS Lambda services, MassTransit as a MessageBus and SQS as a transport.

Thanks in advance.

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