mercredi 17 mars 2021

Merge different API request type into common Business Object type

Use-case: I am working on a rest service which have 3 different API endpoint. Two of the API request is of type JSON but different Specification and the third one is XML. I want to MAP these request to internal BusinessObject. I have created an internal BusinessObject which will act as a container to keep the data from either of the 3 API requests. What design pattern should I used to transform and map my API request data to BusinessObject data?

More explanation with example:

API 1 - POST : v1/employee/{id} JSON Payload Request :

    "name" : {
        "first_name" : "MyName",
        "last_name" : "MyLastName"
    "address": {
        "address_line1" : "street address",
        "city" : "cityname",
        "country" : "countyname"
    "work" : {
        "company" : "company name",
        "designation" : "position",
        "Occupation" : "",
        "address_line1" : "company address",
        "city" : "cityname",
        "country" : "countyname"
    "other_information" : {
        "DOB": "DD/MM/YYYY",
        "marital_status" : "married",
        "email_id" : "",

API 2 - POST : v2/employee/{id} JSON Payload Request :

    "name" : {
        "first_name" : "MyName",
        "last_name" : "MyLastName",
        "DOB": "DD/MM/YYYY",
        "marital_status" : "married",
        "email_id" : ""
    "address": {
        "address_line1" : "street address",
        "city" : "cityname",
        "country" : "countyname"
    "work" : {
        "company" : "company name",
        "designation" : "position",
        "Occupation" : "",
    "work_address": {
        "address_line1" : "company address",
        "city" : "cityname",
        "country" : "countyname"

The two request shown above are of different Request Specification type. The placeholders are different. Example : work_address is in API 2 but not in API 1 other_information is squeezed inside name in API2 whereas it's a independent placeholder in API request 1.

From here i need to build a BusinessObject which is listed below. What design pattern should I used to tranform my API request data to BusinessObject data?


class APIInformationContextBO {
   private Name name;

   private Address address;

   private Work work;


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